Keep the Beauty of Natural Stone With StoneLite® Panels

StoneLite® panels have over 25 years of proven performance on the exterior of buildings all over the world. In addition to their reputation of exterior use, the panels have the ability to keep the beauty of natural stone and eliminate fragile properties inside of buildings as well.

The StoneLite® panels are frequently installed on lobby walls, ceilings and reception areas.

One project in particular was the creation of the rotunda for the Sacramento Courthouse in Sacramento, CA. With over 9,000 unique trapezoidal shaped pieces for the rotunda, Stone Panels used CAD to design and a CNC saw to cut each piece to size. Once cut, each piece was labeled and shipped to the Sacramento and all of the pieces were installed with less than 5 field cuts.

Stone Panels can easily take on interior projects and provide an experience that is quick, efficient and doesn’t require disturbance in an occupied building.  They bring the beauty of natural stone, without the difficulty.

Another project Stone Panels took on a few years ago was the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia, PA. Approximately 20,000 square feet of StoneLite® limestone panels were installed on interior walls over steel stud framing by Dale Construction Co. of Glenside, PA.

The interior wall panels were fabricated from slabs of Select Buff limestone and Chelmsford granite. The average size of each panel was 5 ft. by 3 ft. 4 in., but the pieces weighed only 60 lbs., which made installation quick and easy. The installation was done at a fraction of the cost that it would have been with solid heavy stone.

StoneLite® panels provide a natural stone finish to a building while insuring that it is an extremely strong, safe installation that will withstand the test of time.

To determine if StoneLite® panels are right for your specific application, please contact our Technical Services Staff at (800) 328-6275 or (469) 635-5000.