Global Investment-Banking Firm Undergoes Renovation
In 2011, Stone Panels, Inc. contributed to the renovation of the New Court headquarters of NM Rothschild & Sons, a global investment-banking firm. The building was in need of a renovation due to its long history in London of over two centuries. The successful business required facilities to accommodate its all of the Bank’s London staff.
Allies and Morrison Architects facilitated the project and requested that Stone Panels, Inc. provide stone veneers for the ceiling. Installing the ceiling was no obstacle for Stone Panels, Inc.’s StoneLite® panels. Due to their lightweight high strength capabilities, light gauge ceiling framing can easily support the panels. Heavy lifting equipment is not required to put the panels in place due to their weight. To complete the overhead application, a channel was attached to horizontal framing, as opposed to vertical framing used for walls.
The 21,000 sqm building is located in the narrow alley of St. Swithin’s Lane, in the heart of the city of London, the financial hub of Greater London, according to an article in ArchDaily. Its designers’ main task was to create an “always efficient and always pleasant” structure that would accommodate all of the Bank’s London staff and reunite its connections with the city. The completed project honors the bank’s illustrious history and hopes for the future.
Sixteen buildings, including New Court, were chosen to take top prize at this year’s Building Awards from Building Magazine. New Court was nominated for Building Magazine’s Project of the Year.
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