Stone Panels, Inc. has heavily invested in independent laboratory testing. Everything from accelerated aging all the way through various types of structural, fire, blast loading and air/water infiltration. Our rigorous testing methods ensure that the system will perform under all conditions and in all climates.
The Stone Panels, Inc. website has a Testing section that provides a summary of specific tests including, but not limited to:
- Acid Freeze Thaw Exposure
- Accelerated Aging
- Shear and Flatwise Tension Bond
- Air and Water Infiltration
- Impact Loading
- Blast Testing
- Racking Shear (simulating seismic loading)
- Wind Load Flexural
- Vibration Loading
- Fire, Flame Spread and Combustion
- Attachment Systems
- Expansion Coefficients
- Building Code Approval
- Quality Control
The summaries of these tests include the date of the test(s), report number and the relevant certifications or other standards. Copies of the original test reports are also available on request.
Stone Panels, Inc. is the only lightweight stone supplier accepted (and approved) by the International Code Council (ICC), the Miami-Dade County Building Code Compliance Office, the British Board of Agrément for construction in the UK, and by the Avis Technique in France. All representatives of these certifications require ongoing quality control procedures. This testing, quality control and building official acceptance assures the design-build community that they are buying a system that will perform for many years.
To get more information about our testing methods and certifications, visit our website or call our Technical Services Staff: (800) 328-6275 or (469) 635-5000